Tampa Bay, FL - Human Trafficking is nothing new to our world today, though it is surprising how often it happens and where it is happening. A 15 year old girl was lured into sex trafficking via the internet at a vulnerable and lonely time in her life. "Summer" as she is referred to to protect her identity, was taking care of her dying father by herself when she [...]
met someone online that helped her through her rough time.
Summer eventually found out the "young" man was actually twice her age and emotionally, physically and sexually abusive towards her. When Summer's father died is when the situation escalated. She was forced into prostitution and stripping and violently abused.
Now 20 years old, Summer is still recovering from the traumatic events that took her innocence. It is unclear of what Summer's recovery will look like and what her future holds, but her scars will stay with her forever. Being a victim of human trafficking in any form means years, if not a lifetime of recovery.
In the midst of despair and desperation, many young people turn to the internet to find "friends" to keep them company. With an endless supply of websites and people roaming them, there are always people looking to prey on young innocent victims. In most cases, the internet is used as a platform for traffickers to recruit victims as well as buy and sell them online.
Many young people, especially those without supervision, may be unaware of the dangers posed on the internet. To find out how you can help protect your kids online, visit this FBI site:
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