Think Freedom

Think Freedom Campaign is our initiative to educate the community about domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST). Public awareness of this very important issue is essential for change to be possible.  Human Traffickers rely on uninformed and unsuspecting parents and children.

Conversely, Freedom Youth Project relies on people who are willing to Learn, Care and Act. We are reaching out to faith based communities, educational institutions, businesses and civic organizations in hopes of spreading the word about our mission and vision and educating youth and their parents about human trafficking and how to stay safe.

Invite Us To Speak 

Are you part of a church, school, business or civic organization that would like to hear us speak? We are continually searching for opportunities to speak to people about the alarming rates of human trafficking in America and the mission and vision of Freedom Youth Project.

Our goal is to educate interested persons and groups on the issue of human trafficking in America and provide training for parents, grandparents, children and teens on how to keep their families safe from predators targeting America's youth. Our information includes informing audiences on:
  • Statistics and information on who is being trafficked in America 
  • How predators and traffickers reach children and teens
  • How predators get children to trust them like the closest of friends
  • How online predators manipulate children with an irresistible offer to meet in person
  • Ways predators get children and teens to share personal, private information
  • Dangerous people and places that children and teens need to be aware of for their safety
  • Many other important topics regarding the prevalence and dangers of human trafficking in America today.

We would be honored to speak to your group or organization; If you would like to invite us to speak to your church, school, business or civic organization, please fill out the form below.

Check back for more information on our campaign initiatives - where we will be, who we are reaching out to and how you can get involved.

Contact for more information

Our Think Freedom Campaign has allowed us to connect with the following organizations to develop a spirit of common cause. 

We've been featured in the media in the following media sources: