Freedom Youth Project Foundation is dedicated to bringing clarity to an issue that is characterized by myth and misconception. Through our public awareness/ education initiative known as Think Freedom Campaign, we empower youth, parents, and communities through education, training, tools and other content.
All Trafficking Begins With Deception. As a Result,
Traffickers Rely Heavily on Unsuspecting Targets.
Empowering Youth
We empower youth through a prevention program designed to demonstrate how minors have control over certain situations and power over deceptive people. The single most powerful way to protect a child from a predator is to take away the element of surprise. FYP has collected data on trafficking cases all over the U.S. to better understand how traffickers select, connect and deceive targeted victims.
Empowering Families
Youth today have what could only be described as “digital” friendships. Many parents neither know or understand this well enough to recognize the signs when a child may be in extreme danger. We are committed to deliver training and content aimed at providing parents the education they need to address these new world dangers.
Empowering Communities
The impact of human trafficking goes way beyond that of the victim. It impacts the entire family, schools, agencies working with at-risk communities, law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, medical professionals, and more. Freedom Youth Project Foundation is committed to maintain updated education, content and training aimed at providing continuing education, knowledge and skills to address how trafficking impacts the entire community.
To Protect Youth in America from Human Trafficking Through Public Awareness, Prevention and Restoration.
A World Without Slavery