Lexington, KY - Statistics show that there are 27 million slaves worldwide. Human Trafficking is a global issue. Many Americans mistakenly think it is the kind of global issue we care about from afar. The truth is, Human Trafficking has become a major issue in the United States, while it the same time remaining under the radar of the majority of our nation. That's why a Lexington, KY woman chose the number 27 - 27 hours of running, biking and swimming to raise awareness of human trafficking in her community, in the United States and around the world.
The University of Kentucky researcher will start by swimming for 2.5 hours before the sun comes up on Saturday morning, June 11. She will then hop on her bike for a 13 hour ride until sunset. After that she will begin a 9.5 hour run into the night and finish on Sunday morning. She will be dressed head to toe in orange, the color she designed her bike, biking outfit and accessories in to stand for freedom.
"Human Trafficking is selling a person for forced labor or into the sex industry - and another person making money off of that. It's modern day slavery. I want to start local - so the people of Lexington know this is something that happens here and all around the United States." She said in an interview.
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