Austin, TX - Gov. Rick Perry signed two bills that will create stiffer penalties to those who commit human trafficking in Texas. House Bill 3000 and Senate Bill 24 were signed on May 25, 2011. Gov. Perry was joined by Rep. Senfronia Thompson, Sen. Leticia Van de Putte and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott for the signing ceremony.
"HB 3000 creates a new first-degree felony in the Penal Code called Continuous Trafficking of Persons, which applies to individuals who commit two or more acts of human trafficking in a period of 30 days or more." The House Bill creates stricter monetary penalties and sentences for traffickers.
"SB 24 contains proposals from the Attorney General's Task Force on Human Trafficking, including creating a new offense for compelling prostitution for adult and child victims, stronger parole requirements for trafficking offenses that require offenders to serve longer prison time, eliminating release on mandatory supervision, and stronger restrictions on bond release."
"The signing of this bill sends the message that Texas is an increasingly hostile place for human traffickers, and will be an increasingly safe place for potential victims of human trafficking." Attorney General Greg Abbott said.
These changes ensure Texas is taking a stand against human trafficking in our state. Lawmakers like Sen. Leticia Van De Putte and Rep. Senfronia Thompson work tirelessly to fight against this horrific crime in our state so that one day we can finally say "Texas is closed for business."
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