Multiple cities across the U.S. - Under Operation
Cross Country more than 100 victims of sex trafficking were rescued all
across the United States. Operation Cross Country took place over 3 days
with arrests of more than 159 traffickers in 76 cities across the
United States. Many of these victims were found on the streets, in motels
and casinos, and in some instances they were being sold through online
sites. Many of the victims who were rescued included minors as young as 13
years old and as old as 16.
While victims rescued included both boys and girls, the
victims were overwhelmingly girls. The traffickers focused their targets primarily on girls
using several forms of deception and grooming to lure them into sex trafficking.
Many of the victims were found to be troubled teenagers who had come from
broken homes, which made them easy targets for traffickers. Troubled youth
will often find themselves looking for ways to survive in the streets and
are easily lured with promises of any easy way to make a lot of money.
Only after they are trapped in “the life” as it is called, through
violence, do these girls find out none of the money is for them.
Shy and bashful girls are often lured by traffickers who
endear themselves through a kind of attention and affection they have
never experienced. Over time these traffickers become what these girls
think is their boyfriend. These kinds of traffickers are often called
“boyfriend pimps” or “romeo pimps.” Often this attention includes buying
clothes and shoes for these girls. At some point spending money on her
becomes a way to manipulate her to doing things for him.
trafficking begins with deception.
best way to prevent someone
from becoming a victim is to
teach them to instantly recognize deception when
it happens face-to-face and online."
Many of these victims once drawn into the life of sex
trafficking often become entangled in a world of drugs, alcohol, and
extreme measures of physical and mental abuse. Once they are entangled, it
is almost impossible for them to escape due to fear,
brainwashing, manipulation and coercion.
Because traffickers are so skillful at deceiving their
targets, it is extremely important that we educate and empower our youth
by providing strategies for prevention. To read more about the work we are
doing to empower youth, you can visit us here.
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Think Freedom Campaign is an initiative of Freedom Youth Project Foundation