Austin, TX - The first Christian Shelter Conference was held last weekend in Austin, TX by Tomi Grover of TraffickStop. Non profits and individuals from across the country came together to collaborate with experts in the field of domestic minor sex trafficking. Their goal: to open a shelter for victims of DMST.
There were over 100 participants present with 9 different presenters. Workshops ranged from legal aspects of building a shelter, to recognizing victims out in public, licensing in Texas and medical aspects of shelters.
As of now, there are now long term care facilities for human trafficking survivors. Most will end up in juvenile detention centers or back with their pimps. The Christian Shelter Conference addressed this shelter crisis in hopes of making strides in this area.
Our president and CEO, Saul Castellanos, was invited to present at the conference. Saul brought to the table his business background and spoke on using a project framework with project led teams.
As more and more individuals and communities become of aware of the issue of domestic minor sex trafficking, great strides are being made to put an end to this horrific crime and build a safe place for survivors.
Further Reading on the Conference

Think Freedom Campaign is an initiative of Freedom Youth Project Foundation