The goal of the Emergency I.D. is to provide parents and guardians with an easily accessible photo record with can be quickly shared in case of an emergency.
Here are some simple ways to use this child safety tool:
- Bookmark this page under "Emergency" to find it easily if needed later
- Download the photo to your PC and put into a folder called “Emergency Info"
- If you have a smartphone save the Emergency I.D. photo to your phone's picture gallery.
- If you have webmail like Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail, then save the e-mail containing the Emergency I.D. Photo. You can search for the e-mail any time by searching for the word “Emergency"
- Forward the e-mail containing the Emergency I.D. photo to other trusted family members or adults and ask them to keep confidential unless needed in an emergency (only to distribute to law enforcement or other trusted friends)
- Print several copies of the Emergency I.D. photo so that you have easy access to the hard copy
- In the event that you are unable to locate your child, follow this Emergency Action Plan
- In an actual emergency, forward the e-mail containing the Emergency I.D. to law enforcement
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Think Freedom Campaign is an initiative of Freedom Youth Project Foundation